Adding a new set of videos to our VLOG beginning with discussion of The Untangled Gathering: AI & Mind Control Symposium CLICK HERE to access a download
We talk about what's happening within the Cosmic Currents of the NOW and the exposure and unveiling of the TRUTH that is exponential within the Self and the Reality - its all stepping up an intensity
We also follow up with musings inspired by the Round Table on the CCN Network - we love those chicks on the round table - Dani, Lisa and Lily Earth - shout out, loving your work, thanks for your dedication to the Truth, which for us has stimulated the recognition and understanding of the co-opting of our Organic Original Optimum Functioning Blue Print and subsequently inspiring us to share how we ourselves are finding our way through it
These are potent and timely if you are into Sovereignty and mastering this Matrix consciousnes invaision.
CLICK HERE for the full playlist - all killer no filler
its uncompromising and it will get your discernment filters into high gear - enjoy the ride, see you in the dreaming xx
Defining AI
Soap Opera Time
Neutral is the best defence
Ecstatic Birth
Joy from the Soul vs False Light High
CCN Network - One Peoples Round Table ( late July / and early August)
Morgellons and Wave X
Your own experience of the Reality
Defying Doubt – recognise the programming
The symbiosis with Mother Mu as her core comes alive, so does yours
We love Lily Earth x
Your Truth v’s Matrix Truth
Golden Mean Spiral v’s Fibonnaci
Activating the Golden Mean paradigm
Co-opting MerKaBa technology – the Star Tetrahedron
Learning to drive the Car …
Consciousness Warriors emerge
The Flower of Life
Reverse Engineering is the new black
Authentic Experience
RA misrepresented
‘Merkabah’ ‘Sovereignty‘
Straight Lines - Binding the Infinite
The Body Template - Infinity bound within the equations of the Fibonnaci
The trans-human agenda
Connecting with Mother Mu – Breath of Life
Benefits of having a MerKaBa – being in this world but not of it
Implanting ‘proof’ into the Reality
Soul Star flares – hot hot hot
Removing the chakra system and birth contract renewal…
Staying diligent
Returning to the Original Optimal Functioning Blueprint – before the consciousness invasion
Opening the DNA
Ecstatic Birth
One People Round Table 17th August
Prophecy and Readings
Transmuting False Light within
Wave X Black Goo and NanoBots
September a false flag?
Co-create v’s Merging
Your Relationship with MU the concept becomes experience wisdom
Symbiosis with Gaia/Earth/Mu
Black Goo in the Etheric
Golden Mean Spiral, FOL Optimum Functioning BluePrint
The time is NOW First Strike
Activating the Golden Mean within the Spheres
Sacred Geometry in action
23º tilt of the planet
Recycling Prophecy
You are a participant
Wave X - hijacking the DNA
What will freedom look like?
(Merkaba Tech)
Dream state Programing
AI: Forgiveness implies consent
Milky Substance : the AI Interface in the Etheric
Redefining the concept of Sacred Neutral
Marduk, Reptoids Archons, AI who else? Who’s really running the show
Symposium worth the download
MerKaBa tech is imported, not organic
Igniting the Original BluePrint
In this world but not of it
Personal Healing Planetary Healing
Spinning Fields vs the Spiral
Restoring the Light (information) codes
Taking control of your experience in the ‘Soup’
23º tilt: MU’s in charge…
#TheUntangledGatheringAIMindControlSymposi #CCNNetwork #OnePeoplesRoundTable #CooptingOrganicTechnology #CooptingSymbology #GoldenMeanSprials #ConsciousnessWarriors #wavex #23ºtiltoftheplanet #AIArtificialIntelligence #cosmiccurrentsforconsciousnesswarriors #reverseengineeringmerkabatechnology #theplayers #cooptingconceptsandterminology